Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lets all have a taste of witches brew!

Maybe I should go red for a while . . .
Kellie and Adam had a costurme party after the family party.

Adam that is really an original costume!

Carter and Taya playing together while the grownups carve the pumpkins.

Kalyssa is helping grandpa take pictures of the first pumpkins

Rylie and Papa working hard on their artistic masterpiece.

Carter thinks this is great, as he watches mom carve his pumpkin.

Grandma and Grandpa's Pumkins
Which do you think is better?The finished masterpieces. And the winner is. . .

Rob's haunted tree.


olivers said...

thanks for the ugly picture of myself for everyone to see.

lisa selensky said...

you will have to look at ours!! i think tylar will give rob a run for his money on who's is the best!! we love and miss you guys!! love lisa